Friday, November 12, 2010

Love 365: Day 304 - 310

I love that I have a thing for giraffes. Like, obsessed lately.

I love that I don't mind putting my money toward fun-- a reasonable amount of the time, that is.

I love that I forgive.

I love that I find almost everyone interesting on some level.

I love how I give myself funny hair-dos when I'm bored. It works wonders, I assure you.

I love my "blemishes." We don't have to be perfect.

I love how well I take care of myself when I'm sick. (Like now. Boo).



I love that I'm a good writer, even if I don't believe it yet.



I love how I'm getting stronger (physically and mentally) and more flexible through my daily yoga.

I love how a cup of tea can make me feel after a long day at work.

I love Boston terriers, and I will have one one day.

I love that I've got such great friends.

I love the fact that I'm so much stronger than I thought I was.



Love 365 is Almost Done! Have You Participated Yet?
Send Your Self-Love Letters to:


amanda said...

I'm going through a giraffe thing, too!
They're going to be the next owls, mark my words.

Anonymous said...

Ha. Giraffes are beautiful.
Thank you for the nice comment. I'm doing better.
Brenton and I still care about each other like we used to. We just have so much going on for us. Maybe we'll get back together in the future. If not, I'll be more than glad to remain friends with such a lovely person like Brenton.
Have a great week.



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