Monday, February 22, 2010

Jared Paul: "ABC's for Roger"

On Friday, I saw poet and musical artist Jared Paul perform at my university's monthly poetry slam. It's going to sound really corny when I say this, but he's the kind of artist that could change your life. I haven't stopped thinking about hearing him perform and getting the chance to actually sit down and talk with him for a story I'm doing for the school magazine. Paul is charismatic, inspiring, and speaks to the truths that people are still refusing to see.

I really hope you'll all watch this slam piece of his (right down there! look!), "ABC's for Roger" and really think about what he's saying and what we can do to help. People have gotten the world into a lot of trouble, and only with the collected efforts of everyone, no matter how small, can we save it for the future.

You and I? We are part of a generation that must learn to be selfless.

How does this poem make you feel? What are you going to do to help?

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